What is Parsley Aralia?
Parsley Aralia is an evergreen shrub with curled leaves which resembles the herb parsley. Like other varieties of Aralias, it is widely grown as indoor plants for their beautiful foliage. They are also often kept in the form of a bonsai.
Common Name
Parsley Aralia
Scientific Name
Polyscias fruticosa ‘Elegans’
A matured plant can go upto 2 to 4 feet.
Plant Category
Tropical and Tender Perennials
Native /Temperature
Pacific Islands. It can take upto 20-30°C. Warmer temperatures are still okay but it shouldn’t be exposed to below 15°C.
Growth Rate
This plant is a slow grower and can grow max 8-12 inches in a whole year but considering it was kept in a pot that had room to grow.
Parsley Aralia Requirement
Sun Requirement
5-6 Hours of daily medium filtered light. Direct morning sun is okay but it should not be kept directly under the sun during the noon.
Watering Need
When the top 2-3 inches soil is dry, water it thoroughly. It should never be fully dry. Water it before else the leaves will start browning and falling.
This plant needs well drained soil with organic material. Ideal mix of soil would be: 20% garden soil, 20% coco peat, 20% vermicompost, 20% perlite, 20% pine bark (the % is in terms of volume and not weight). I don’t use pine bark as it is kinda expensive but I increase coco peat and perlite by 10% each and it does fine too.
pH level
This plant loves a little acidic soil (6.1 to 6.5) and ph should be between but can stay between 6.6 to 7.5 (neutral).
Can be toxic to pets.
Parsley Aralia Care
It is fairly resistant to bugs and pests. But it can still attract aphids, scale, mealybugs, and spider mites. Spray Neem Oil and Dish soap solution to get rid of them. 1tbsp of neem oil and 1 tbsp of soap in a gallon of water for the solution and you are good.
Most common method is propagating the plant from stem cutting. Use a sterile knife or shears to cut a stem, then place them in moist soil, use a rooting hormone if available for faster results. Give them warmth and moisture and it should be rooting in couple weeks.
An organic liquid (I use seaweed fertiliser) fertiliser is mostly good for all and is good for this plant as well. Fertilise the plant monthly once and drench the soil properly during the growing season which is from spring through fall (From March to November).
Repotting can be done either to change the pot to a bigger one or to refresh the soil. Transplanting the plant annually is good enough but you can delay it more if you want it to grow it slow as it can reach upto 6 ft in optimal conditions also Aralia doesn’t mind being a little root bounded. But if you want to delay repotting, it is still suggested to refresh the top soil.
If you limited space like most of us do, it’s a good idea to keep indoor plants’ size under control with regular trimming of the branch tips. This practice also encourages the Aralia plant to grow in a more bushy, thick manner. Use the cuttings to propagate more plants.
If you still have any question about the plant, let me know in the comment section. I will try address all the questions as soon as possible. Also you can connect with me in my social media accounts anytime. See you all. Happy growing!!